Context & Objectives


The professional sports industry has undergone a major revolution in recent years. The commercial development of the most popular competitions has prompted an increasing number of organisations to take an interest in sport, calling into question its traditional mode of governance.
Today, with the sports industry’s growing political, economic, societal and ecological impact in the world, leaders in the industry are required to take concerted and sustainable decisions and collaborate with their main stakeholders to find solutions to challenges and develop a sustainable mode of governance.
Global collaboration, anticipation and ethics will be the key to sustainable sport governance and to keeping passion for sport alive.


  • Emphasis on the international dimension of sport;
  • Multidisciplinary approach, in-depth analysis of legal, political and economic issues
    (e.g. competition law, litigation prevention, risk management, regulation and media policy);
  • Focus on the current and future key challenges faced by sports organisations (specificity of sport, competitive balance, exploitation of commercial rights, social dialogue, match-fixing, doping, social responsibility, governance structure, etc.);
  • Visits of major sports cities with lectures at the heart of sports organisations by their leaders and top managers.



Anticipate forthcoming key challenges

“Play to win”
Identify new global trends, analyse rising constraints and apply innovative methods
to best overcome them.

Exploit the dynamics

“Do it with passion or not at all”
Evolve as sport evolves, exploit the boiling energy and passion within the sports industry and adopt a solution-driven attitude.

Have a positive impact on the development of sport governance

”Leave your mark”
Realign core values and integrate ethics at all levels of business, improve management operations and leave a lasting mark on your industry.

Nathalie Alaphilippe
Lawyer, CDES – Limoges (France)
MESGO Session Director

“MESGO is a unique training programme that brings together the best of academic and nonacademic experience and knowledge to address the current and future issues facing sports. It
is the result of a strong partnership and collaboration between academic partners recognised
for their expertise in the sports sector, sports partners representing major international sports organisations and public authorities. We all share the same objective and ambition: to contribute
to the development of a sustainable governance model for sport.”