On 8 and 9 March 2021, the first part of the 2nd session of the sixth edition of the MESGO, initially scheduled in Paris, took place online.
Directed by Sean Hamil, director at Birkbeck Sport Business Centre (University of London), the objective of this session was to give participants a general framework for competition design and financial sustainability by presenting, among other topics, the existing regulatory systems. In addition, during this two-day session, some time was also set aside for thesis methodology and exchanges with MESGO mentors.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the speakers that contributed to this ‘compact version of the online session’:
Tim Pawlowski (full professor of sport economics, University of Tübingen); Konstantin Grigorishin (founder and president, International Swimming Club Energy Standard and head of advisory board and financier, International Swimming League); Ales Zavrl (head of club licensing, UEFA); Philippe Rasmussen (head of financial fair play, UEFA); Didier Primault (general director, CDES); Raffaele Poli (head of CIES Football Observatory).

Presentation about the ‘Many ways to organise a competition’ by Tim Pawlowski, full professor of sport economics (University of Tübingen).

Group exercise on club licensing and financial fair play with the participation of Ales Zavrl, head of Club Licensing (UEFA) and MESGO V participant.

Presentation about the general principles informing sport labour markets’ design and operation by Didier Primault, general director, CDES.

Presentation of an overview of the operation of the international football labour market, and implementation by FIFA of reforms of the regulation of the international player transfer market by Raffaele Poli, Head of CIES Football Observatory.
The second part of this session will be held in Paris this November.